
Printable Number Books for Kids to Make, Read, and Learn

Making number books is a great way for kids to learn about numbers! These free, printable number books each focus on one number from 1 to 5. Kids can color them, cut out the pages, and assemble them to read and share. Disclaimer: The information published in this blog is for information and entertainment purposes […]


15 Fine Arts Activities for Kids: Painting, Photography, and More

Here are 15 awesome fine arts activities for kids. These activities teach kids about several areas of fine arts including painting, drawing, mosaics, photography, sculpture, music, and more. Fine art is art developed for aesthetics or beauty. The goal of these activities is not for kids to create highly skilled and professional art, but for […]


Free, Printable Gratitude Turkey to Count Blessings in November

For our family, Thanksgiving is all about gratitude, thankfulness, and being together. I know I am happier when I pay attention to things I am grateful for, and I hope to impart this on my kids. Additionally, the science on the benefits of gratitude is pretty astounding (more on that below). The weeks leading up […]